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Super Crystal Red (Red Santa)

Super Crystal Red (Red Santa)

Regular price $4.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.99 USD
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Introducing the captivating Super Crystal Red Shrimp (also known as Red Santa)! These home-bred beauties feature an intense, opaque red with minimal white and are a striking color variant of Bee Shrimp. You'll receive unsexed juvenile shrimp, ranging from 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length. Keeping and breeding them is a breeze, requiring care similar to Crystal Red Shrimp.

To provide the best environment for your Super Crystal Reds, ensure your tank is fully cycled with ample biofilms and plants for grazing. Keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero and nitrate below 25ppm. Opt for weekly 10-20% water changes to maintain low nitrate levels. Feeding 2-3 times a week is recommended, as overfeeding can be detrimental.

Breeding these shrimp mirrors Crystal Red Shrimp, with females carrying eggs for around 30 days until they hatch into miniature versions of their parents. A well-established aquarium is crucial for the shrimplets to thrive, as they initially feed on biofilms.

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